Tola SOM
Tola SOM
Junior Software Engineer, KIT

About Me

A Software Engineering student, in Junior year, Competencies in software management related project, expected to graduate in October 2020. I have 3 years experience in Software Quality Assurance. I am a proficient in Full-Stack JavaScrit developer, while having affair with Design.

I love building things. While hard engineering problems are often intrinsically fun to tackle, I'm most attracted to solving real customer problems with a business justification, and design thinking. I'm looking for a senior individual contributor role where I can take on collaborative team leadership responsibilites, and gain experience with architecture and project management.



My personal interests include:

  • Women Empowerment. Throughout Wedu , Development Innovation program supported by USAID Cambodia, I developed and improve myself in term of personal and professional growth. So far, It is a door that connected me to various opportunities in Tech. Plus, I envision where half of the world techie are women.
  • Deep learning. It's an exciting time for machine learning. I'm working through several online classes, and swap articles with collegues.
  • Internet of Things. I've been an enthusiastic hobbiest since I was a teenager - but only as an adult am I able to afford the higher-quality devices. I like to modify existing kits to improve speed, and add instrumentation.
  • Graphic Design. I live in Kirirom, a mountain in Cambodia. I believe great products come at the intersection of technology, art and nature. I enjoy spending weekends on design and getting lost in the coloring.

Recent Projects

  • UI/UX Designer currently, worlking for a Startup company.
  • Fron-End Developer Apart of UI/UX developement, I am also taking a role as Front-End developer.
  • Blogger Inspired by TED, I also believe great ideas are worth sharing, so does great knowledge. So apart from my internship, I like sharing things around. My Medium blog covers my high school graduated experiences, and along with my ongoing university progression, humbly keen in learning to understand the world better with joy.

Other Things

  • Since I was in high school, I've done many extra-curricular and social volunteering projects. I've never settled still in comfort zone. I've been curious to explore, to learn about the world better in addition to my full-time class at the university. I just don’t talk, but I've been taking actions, starting small project and then continuing to innovate and scale up its scope and impact as I've learnt along the way.